Can I delay a claim for extended unemployment benefits for 2-weeks?

Monday, March 14, 2011

I was just approved to receive extended unemployment benefits in the state of California. I am thinking about before I submit the first claim, I would like to go overseas for 2-weeks to have dental procedures done. When I come back, I will just re-activate the claim. Here is the main reason why I rather do it over there: Doing the math, it will cost me 75% (including airfare) cheaper than what it will normally cost here in the U.S. I am trying to mitigate this potential problem of affecting my job search in the future. While overseas, I will still be able to apply for jobs in the U.S. and check my emails and voice messages at least twice a day. The only problem is I will not be physically in the U.S. Anyway, it is getting difficult to contact CA EDD to ask this question on whether I will be allowed for a short period of time to have my dental issues taken care off. Do you or anyone you know experienced this situation of need to travel while on unemployment and got some useful answers? Thanks.
No problem You can file when you return