Throat Hurts on One Side?

Monday, March 14, 2011

From 2 days ago i started having a sore throat on the right side of my throat. I feel the pain specially when i swallow food/saliva. Its getting very painful. I had a dental cleaning 4 days ago and i had extreme bleeding of my gum because they were very infected. But the Dental Hyg took care of it. I dont know if its related or not but what do you guys think is the problem here. I can't see my family doctor until Monday so i dont know what i should do. I dont have any other cold/clue symptoms. ""By the way i have a something like a mouth ulcer on the same side on the gum beside my wisdom teeth but its far from my throat i dont think its causing it or maybe it is, i dont know"" what could this be?
drink more water, suck on zinc lozenges, use a nasal rinse, and see your doctor.