Where can I find a real, legally binding(in Missouri) adoption contract for a dog?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

I've got a friend who's getting ready to re-home a litter of pups. She wants needs an adoption contract because she's skeptical of people and she thought i might know where to find one - I told her to go to a lawyer but she doesn't have the $350+ for that. Some points - the dog will be an indoor dog only, the dog won't be tied outside unobserved or , the new owners must keep current contact info with her, the owners must have a vet reference, the owners must have the pup neutered or spayed within 30days and provide vet proof, the owners cannot re-home, sell, or give away the animals without contacting her PRIOR to that happening, she retains the right to adopt the animal back if the new owners no longer want the dog, the owners agree to give the dog vet care includeding dental, shots, and worming once a year, the owners agree to liscence the dog with the city, the owners agree to not kennel the dog for more than 4hours at a time, the owners agree to give the dog adequate excersize
You can write whatever you want into a contract, but it isn't binding. Once they buy the dog it is theirs. You can't have the money and the dog. You can't have it both ways. If she wants all these things than she should keep the dog herself. I live here, and it won't hold water.