Please help! My parents wont let me go to the dentist...?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ok, I have this pain in the back of my mouth and it hurts alot, i think i might have my wisdom teeth growing i can see a tiny bit of the top of a tooth, but i'm not sure i told my friend about it and she said it might be my wisdom teeth and that she had hers taken out and all she could eat for three days was shakes. when i told my mom about it she said its fine it just means i have new teeth growing, how can i convince them to let me see the dentist, i've never been to one and i'm really concerned my mom is a nurser so i guess she knows about health, but i'm worried. my parents are from nigeria and dont believe in going to the dentist and stuff, but my mom is a nurse and she told me she pays for doctor, dental and the eye care insurance, so why not use it? how can i convince my parents to take me to a dentist? and if it my wisdom teeth, how long will it be until they've grown and the pain will stop and do i have to get them taken out? would now be a good time to take them out or do i have to wait until you can see more of the tooth? thanks ahead
Wisdom teeth can grow in without incident. They don't always need to be removed. However, for general dental health, you should definitely see a dentist. Research is showing that more and more medical conditions are evidenced by poor dental health. I am surprised that your mother, a nurse, is unaware of this. Definitely talk to a trusted teacher, school nurse or guidance counselor or friends' parents. They may need to get social services involved. Ask whoever you talk to if there are any free dental programs in the area. Sometimes those are available but you may need to have a limited income to get them. Still, someone needs to intervene. You said you already have the insurance. Usually with dental insurance you get two cleanings a year, so there shouldn't be any additional out-of-pocket cost for your family.