Why do some people defend obscene wealth so much?

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Its really amazing this fervent belief that americans have that CEO's who have bankrupted their publicly owned companies are entitled to their $50 million dollar salaries and bonuses and that there is nothind immoral or decadent about that...that since the board of the company paid them that much that it makes it ok...and that such obsene salaries are no one's business. What does this say about our society? It probably means that we are a society that says if you want a decent health care and dental and vison insurance program where 80% of your expenses are covered and only a $100 dollar annual deductible and that you have to pay over $2000 a month for you, your wife and 2 children to be covered...that its ok.....its acceptable that this insurance coverage costs this much. It also says that you are a society that is willing to lay off your citizens and send their jobs to other countries so that profit margins are higher, or that you are a society that is willing to cut taxes for those with the most so that the rest of society in general can have less for education, healthcare, roads, bridges, etc..... I am very concerned about what lurks in the hearts of our society these days. We need change ..and fast !!!!!
Because they are fooled into thinking that one day 'they too' may enjoy such wealth. It's like believing that 'greed really is good' and that the trickle-down theory actually works. A century of evidence proves otherwise, but still they believe.