Will you Support HR 676, The United States National Health Insurance Act?

Monday, March 14, 2011

Check out some of the tremendous benefits that NHI will bring and see what you think: Every citizen of the US will be covered from birth to death. No more pre-existing conditions to be excluded from coverage. No more expensive deductibles or co-pays. All prescription medications will be covered. All dental and eye care will be included. Mental health and substance abuse care will be fully covered. Long term and nursing home services will be included. You will always choose your own doctors and hospitals. Costs of coverage will be assessed on a sliding scale basis. Tremendously simplified system of medical administration Total portability – your coverage not tied to any job or location. Existing Medicare benefits for those over 65 will remain the same or be vastly improved in many cases. http://www.house.gov/conyers/news_hr676.… http://www.hr676.org/
I took the time to read some of this, and I do believe I could easily come up with 731 bucks annually..that would be 14 bucks a week...less than 30 a month. All in Favor??