If you live in the US -- Should I believe the stats offered by Regan's former Treasury secretary?

Monday, March 14, 2011

New York City's retailers are praying for some of it, suffering a 15.3 percent vacancy rate on Fifth Avenue. "Virtually 10 years worth of real retail sales growth has been destroyed in the still unfolding depression." Meanwhile, New York City's homeless shelters have reached the all-time high of 39,000, 16,000 of whom are children. Desperate, the city government is offering one-way free airline tickets to the homeless if they will leave the city --------------------------------- A record number of Americans, more than one in nine, are on food stamps. ---------------------- Mortgage delinquencies are rising as home prices fall. According to Jay Brinkmann of the Mortgage Bankers Association, job losses have spread the problem from subprime loans to prime fixed-rate loans. On a Wise, Va., fairgrounds, 2,000 people waited in lines for free dental and health care http://www.vdare.com/roberts/091015_econ… one million school children now homeless, The unemployment rate, as reported, is a fiction and has been since the Clinton administration. The unemployment rate does not include jobless Americans who have been unemployed for more than a year and have given up on finding work. The reported 10% unemployment rate is understated by the millions of Americans who are suffering long-term unemployment and are no longer counted as unemployed. As each month passes, unemployed Americans drop off the unemployment role due to nothing except the passing of time. http://www.vdare.com/roberts/090921_econ…
believe whatever you want.